Despite spending a whopping 750 crore rupees on infrastructure development, the state government has failed to ensure that the venues are ready to host the prestigious event. In a recent incident, the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee stadium, one of the main venues for the Games, leaked at several locations during a brief spell of rain. The Athletic stadium at Bambolim was also waterlogged within minutes of rainfall, exposing the poor drainage facilities in a state that receives over 100 inches of rain annually.
These incidents are not only embarrassing for the state government, but they also pose a serious safety hazard to the athletes and officials participating in the Games. It is also a stark reminder of the rampant corruption and mismanagement that has plagued the state administration under Sawant's leadership.
In addition to the infrastructure failures, the Goa government has also been criticized for its poor logistical planning. Over 10 new electric buses that were procured for the G20 meetings in Goa have been lying idle, even though they could have been used to transport athletes and officials during the National Games. This is a clear example of the government's lack of foresight and planning.
The National Games are a major sporting event that attracts the best athletes from across the country. However, the Goa government's failure to prepare for the event has turned it into a farce. Sawant must be held accountable for his leadership failure and the embarrassment that he has caused to the state.
Incompetence and Mismanagement
The infrastructure collapses and logistical failures at the National Games are just the latest examples of Sawant's incompetence and mismanagement as Chief Minister. Since assuming office in 2019, Sawant has overseen a series of blunders, including:
- The collapse of the Kala Academy auditorium roof in 2021, killed one person and injured several others.
- The delay in the construction of the new Goa Medical College, which is now over five years behind schedule.
- The failure to control the mining mafia, has led to widespread environmental damage across the state.
- The mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in one of the highest death rates in the country.
Sawant's repeated failures have led to growing calls for his resignation from within his own party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). However, Sawant has so far refused to step down, despite mounting public pressure.
Misappropriation of Funds
The 750 crore rupees spent on infrastructure development for the National Games raises serious questions about the possibility of misappropriation of funds. Despite the huge expenditure, the venues are not ready to host the event, and there have been several reports of corruption and irregularities in the construction process.
The Goa government has also been accused of misappropriating funds meant for other important projects, such as the construction of roads and bridges. In a recent report, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) found that the state government had misspent over 1,000 crore rupees on various projects. Sawant has denied all allegations of corruption, but he has failed to provide any satisfactory explanation for the misappropriation of funds. His government's lack of transparency and accountability has further eroded public trust.
The ongoing 37th National Games is a testament to the failure of leadership under Chief Minister Pramod Sawant. The infrastructure collapses, logistical failures, and allegations of misappropriation of funds raise serious questions about Sawant's competence and integrity. Sawant must be held accountable for his leadership failure and the embarrassment that he has caused to the state. He should immediately resign from his position and allow for a fresh start under a new Chief Minister.